SR120/Union Road Interchange Project          6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

PROJECT OBJECTIVE: The City of Manteca is constructing the Union Road/State Route 120 interchange to enhance circulation and mobility, and provide operational improvements.

DESCRIPTION: The Project will construct new on & off-ramps, widen Union Road to 4-lanes between Daniels Street and Lifestyle Street, and provide a Class I shared-use path and Class II bike lanes. Additionally, auxiliary lanes will be constructed between Airport Way and Main Street on eastbound and westbound State Route 120.

DISCUSSION: The Project Team with the City of Manteca will provide an update of the construction sequencing, possible ramp closures and detours, new bike and pedestrian paths, and schedules for the 1st Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) in California.

DATE: January 8, 2020
TIME: 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
LOCATION: Manteca Transit Center at 220 Moffat Boulevard, Manteca, CA 95336

For more information please contact Koosun Kim, PE at City of Manteca Public Works 209.456.8419 or or Manteca Transit at 209.456.8888