California’s first diverging diamond interchange just debuted in Manteca

2020-11-23T09:54:09-07:00November 23rd, 2020|Events, Media, Timeline, Updates and Announcements|


Even though it looks like something Hot Wheels would have designed, the diverging diamond interchange is actually expected to make the Union Road interchange safer.

MANTECA, Calif. — California’s first diverging diamond interchange (DDI) has finally debuted in Manteca.

Other states, like Nevada, have already installed a number of these unique designs over the years, but Manteca just cut the ribbon on on California’s first. That being said, drivers will still have to wait until Nov. 25 before they start cruising through it. 

Its innovative design might look intimidating, but it’s meant to make traffic more “stop and go” for people crossing Union Road at Highway 120.

“I think that they’re going to be very happy with what we’ve provided them and it’s going to increase operability, and throughput and potentially capacity down the road…,” said Rob Shackelford, an engineer on the project with Dewberry.

Adding onto that, traffic safety takes a step up by reducing the potential accident locations from 26 to 14. Shackelford said there’s less opposing traffic and less opportunities for a T-bone style crash.

“With the diverging diamond, you’re not getting those,” he said. “Yes, you’re coming in and you’re merging at a lot of different locations, but you’re not getting those severe opposing angles of attack between two vehicles.”

The design is also safe for pedestrians and bicycles with a 10-foot-wide trail within the interchange that limits how many times they’ll interact with a car.

In the simplest terms, a DDI has drivers enter from the right side of the road, cross to the left side as they go through the interchange, and cross back again to the right. 

This crisscross pattern keeps traffic moving through the intersections and provides free left-hand turns for drivers heading on and off the freeway.

It might look confusing, but the concept is fairly simple. If you want to make a left-hand turn at the interchange, stick to the left lane and you’ll get a free left-hand turn. If you want to make a right-hand turn, stick to the right lane and you’ll get a free right-hand turn. 

“If you’re an attentive driver and you understand the rules of the road, you should be able to navigate this no problem, but you need to abide by the rules of the road so to speak,” Shackelford said.

California’s First Diverging Diamond Interchange To Wrap Construction In Manteca Before Thanksgiving

2020-11-23T09:55:01-07:00November 23rd, 2020|Events, Media, Timeline|


MANTECA (CBS13) – The first-ever interchange of its kind in California is set to open in Manteca three months early.

A diverging diamond interchange has been talked about for decades in Manteca and officially went under construction in June 2019.

Crews are putting the finishing touches on the project, which is located on Union Road over Highway 120 – right alongside Teri Candelaria’s home.

“I think everybody’s ready, it’s been crazy,” Candelaria said.

The project got its name because it looks like a diamond from overhead. It works like a roundabout by decreasing the number of conflict or collision points between vehicles by shifting traffic to the left side of the road, before being shifted back to the right – eliminating any left-hand turns through the intersection.

“When you look at the flow of traffic, at first it might seem daunting, but I myself personally have driven on them in other states and really you don’t even realize what’s happening if you just follow your traffic lanes and follow your traffic lights,” said Skip Allum with Caltrans.

City leaders said the interchange is more cost-effective, allowing the city to retain the existing overcrossing structure while saving time and money.

“We have ten years to do two more of these in Manteca. That’s the goal,” Manteca Mayor Benjamin Cantu said.

The new interchange also offers a separate pedestrian and bike path.

“I don’t know if it will help with the commute just yet,” John Pereira said. “It gets crazy in the mornings and the evenings are just as difficult.”

Construction will wrap on the interchange on November 25. It’s a nice present in time for the holidays, according to Candelaria.

“It looks way better than it did and so hopefully it will keep it smoother,” she said.

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